Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tile on a Tile

Margaret Bremner aka the Enthusiastic Artist, filled in for the diva this week. The challenge was to create a tile within a tile, make a tile in the center of your space and then tangle around it to make the tile larger. Use shading to differentiate the two and get the tile within a tile look. On the first one I framed the inner tile with pendrills and then drew a string. On the second one, I focused on lightening up the tile.


Judi said...

Very nice results with this weeks challenge!

Margaret Bremner, Artist said...

The second one definitely works as you have good separation between the dark and light. Well done!

Anonymous said...

A flow-y tile. I didn't think of that. Guess I'm too square. This are is great! Diana

Jaye said...


GinaA said...

Great delicate border in contrast to the bold inner patterns.