Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Craft Hope for Haiti

Want to help but feeling helpless? What can a lone crafter do to help alleviate the suffering? Check out crafthope.com or crafthopeforhaiti where you can donate your crafts which can be sold for donations to Doctors without Borders.

January BJP

I finished my January BJP piece this weekend. I'm not sure if we're allowed to post pics, yet, so I'll wait for the rules. I can't remember if we shouldn't post at all or shouldn't post to the main blogs for the first three months. Anyway, I'm just so happy with the way it turned out and I can't wait to start on February!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Homemade DVD Cabinet

I've been wanting a dvd cabinet for a while, but store bought ones are so expensive! And none of them was the right size for me or the right shape or color, so what does a creative person do? Build their own! I drew what I wanted and my uncle helped me decide on the materials and my brother helped me put it together. I love it!

It's not complete, yet, because I plan to paint dragonflies and paisleys on it. I have dragonfly "things" in my living room already and I painted the hallway light switch plates with paisleys. So this will tie everything in together. The colors fits my living room since I have red and blue furniture and an asparagus green on the accent wall.

Please ignore the junk underneath...more craft stuff and my kettlebell. :)

Throat Chakra

The blue chakra is at the throat, which makes me think of a tube or vertical lines, so I'm creating blue stripes inside the mandala. I've just started so I only have 4 shades of blue incorporated so far.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Heart Chakra Complete!

Finished the green heart chakra tonight! I like it if I do say so myself. Only three left - blue, indigo and violet. 

Can't wait to get started on the BJP! I actually have ideas already. I plan to test some out this weekend so I can make up my mind.